Fear not, I'm sure it will. If you haven't done so already, please assume the position now. Because you're going to get shafted. We're all going to get shafted. For about ten years according to one pundit. Won't that be nice?
Some people are calling this election exciting and interesting. I suppose the sinking of the Titanic was also exciting and interesting, for those immediately involved.
A thoroughly anal media has been wetting itself for several months now, posturing and courting a shedload of visiting smilers and handshakers, all desperate for our crosses of approval. Personally I would like the opportunity of hitting a bunch of them about the head with a lavatory brush, or a wet fish – the politicians, not the journalists (although, come to think of it...) but no, a mark in the box and a moan in the pub will have to do.

On a more positive note, amid all the televisual charging around the country and frantic fibbing by the diabolical debaters, an advert for god knows what was screened, and the background music was the Humming Chorus from Madame Butterfly. An oasis of calm...
And the other day I visited the Osprey Project on the Welsh coast. Wetlands, grasses, water buffalo, and the sound of the cuckoo. A second oasis of calm.
Now if everybody else could just bugger off...
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