In my maddest flights of fancy, I whimsically aim for the former. But in the coldest darkness of night, the all enticing sofa, complete with nibbles, a glass of wine and (at the moment) Lhasa de Sela often succeed in enticing this feeble specimen to stay a little longer.
I sometimes manage to shrug off this multi-layered blanket of comfort, and I feel so good and self righteous, I think I might try it again someday. After a bit of a sit down. With a cup of tea perhaps.
On holiday of course, walking and sightseeing are the daily norm.
Cities are discovered on foot. Surprises are stacked up around every corner, and a dog wearing sunglasses in a Paris doorway means it must be Tuesday.

Sunbathing dog, Paris
Forsaking the sofa yet again, and presenting myself at the Antony Gormley installation 'Another Place' at Crosby, Merseyside, I found another dog who was enjoying the windswept, sandblown, rainlashed day about as much as me, but I had a camera.

Another Place, Crosby
Sometimes it's possible to combine a footprint with a bumprint. Don't feel anatomically challenged, let me explain.
A wonderful and fast changing summer storm brewed and hit Barmouth in Wales last year, with seven different sorts of light rolling down the prom in a matter of minutes. From the comfort of my parked car, and following a fish and chip supper, I sat and happily snapped away, recording the impressionistic patterns that were slowly rolling down my windscreen.

Summer storm, Barmouth
Of course, there isn't a sofa in the office, but there are some dubious footprints in the reception area. However, recent snowfall meant that staff photographers along with anybody else breathing in the locality were duty bound to be out recording this amazing phenomenon, just in case it never happens again. I didn't know whether to take pictures or buy bread.

Oops, Halesowen
All in all, I think walking about with a camera has the edge on XFactorBigBrotherAntiqueChefSoapGardens, and as long as I can stave off splashing about in my own piddle in a nursing home (thank you Catherine Tate) I might just continue to do that.
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